I've been playing with dolls. Yes, this beautiful doll, designed by my pal Sarah Quyen of
Chic Boutique Doll Design, was in my South Beach studio recently for a major shoot to help establish her image.
But let me tell you: this doll is a real f...ing princess -- what a bitch. She goes by the name "Rapunzel" -- but she wouldn't let down her long, long hair unless I practically begged her. And, at first, her movements were so stiff! But we drank some champagne and I put on some early Prince cuts -- "Do It All Night" and "Head" -- and, man, she really loosened up!
"I just love Prince," she said. Whoa, girl, I can't show some of those pictures we did; Sarah would kill me. But once we were in the groove, we got back into that proper Grace Kelly thing, and just nailed a series of fabu Rapu images for her pre-teen fans. (That's what I call her, Rapu).
Used a cheap, optically uncorrected lens and special lighting to create a dream-like ambience.
Or maybe it was just the champagne that did it.
Rapu, wild thing, I think I love you!
Labels: Bill Wisser, doll, princess, product photography, Sarah Quyen